Monday, March 7, 2011

Challenge 2

So Dustin was telling Dave and I his idea for the next Challenge and i think we should do it.

The Challenge is creating a weapon you would use to fight a dinosaur.  At least as far as i understand. Dustin if i left something out let us know. I think the dead line should be 3/18/2011. If there is any objections say so.


  1. Ya I was pretty excited about this one. And good call on the deadline. I have a busy load for the next few weeks. .'P

  2. Sounds good to me! I am also excited about the theme, will be fun!

  3. Ha, Yall Didnt even let me know we had started a new one. Sounds good to me. Good thing I have Spring Break, otherwise I would not be able to make that Deadline.
